Thursday, August 20, 2009


Warning- this may not be a pretty post. Braces and I are not getting along right now.
Well, the way the job/surgery battle played out wasn't good. I asked for assurance from the principal that I had the job before changing surgery. He said I unofficially had the job, we just needed a contract and it would be official. So I got on the phone and changed surgery to November 10. I called to let him know, and his first words were, "About that job..."
I didn't get the job. And other appointments had already been scheduled during my surgery time (they go like hotcakes, apparently) so I also lost the surgery date.
Fortunately, I've since gotten another job working as a receptionist at a doctor's office. It's not something I want to do long-term, but they say they'll be okay with me taking a few weeks off so I'm okay with answering phones and working on insurance (I certainly have experience with that part!)
I'm just SO sick of the waiting. I want the surgery done, I want the braces off. At this point, I would settle for just losing the surgical hooks (the orthodontist was going to charge me to get rid of those, so I'll have them for 7, count 'em, 7 months before I even have surgery) But I'm just so tired of the whole process I could scream. I know that when it's over it'll feel like such a short time, but right now it feels like I'm going to look like this for the rest of my life.


  1. Oh Meredith, I am so sorry to hear this... just know that November will be here before you know it and things will work out. I think when one door closes another one opens and it is the better one! You hang in there. It will all work out!!! Blessings to you!!! : )

  2. Lady Luck certainly has not been on your side. I am glad I don't have to choose between job and surgery. I am so sorry that it did not work out for you. And seven months with surgical hooks sounds like forever. I won´t be getting mine in untill two weeks before my surgery.

    Keep your spirits up. It's up the hill, but you will make it.
